Hi, I’m Cecilia

After changing 20+ jobs in 17 years, I learned that unleashing my ‘why’ and finding my purpose helps me set goals, build good habits and stay positive, resilient and happy. Empowering me to adapt to changes and stay on track to living my dream life.

I am passionate about helping people like you to stay true on purpose, whatever that is for you.

Why? Because I think living your best life is more achievable than ever before. You deserve a simple, meaningful, happy and purposeful life.

A Few Things About Cecilia Huang…

  • I have had 20+ jobs in my life. One of them was for only one day, some last for 2 to 3 years.

  • I had been working as a B2B Marketer for the last 10+ years, at companies that have over 100 years’ history, employing 10,000+ people globally, as well as local start-ups.

  • Although my name will immediately hint to you about my origins, throughout the last 20+ years, I call Sydney, Australia home.

  • COVID significantly changed my lifestyle to mainly working from home. It also sent me to a self-development journey. The more I worked on “me”, the more it became clear just how important it is and I want to share what I’ve learnt.

  • I live to my true purpose. Period.

  • I’m on a mission to inspire one million people to live their best life every day.

  • Although I recently switched to Momo Oolong Tea, my favourite coffee remains Long Black. I can’t survive on a Monday morning without one, maybe two, dose(s) of home-brewed caffeinated drinks.

Embrace the Journey and Start Now.

Imagine not just celebrating TGIF at the end of the week, but all the days in between. Imagine waking up every morning and knowing that you are truly living - with intention. In The Dream Life Project, I share ideas and inspiration for living your dream life every day. Sharing deeply personal stories, tips and techniques to discover the ‘why’ in your life and build good habits to achieve it, I compel you to take your past experiences - the 'failures', the ‘regrets’, the ‘weird times’ – to thank yourself and move into a life you could have dreamed of.

Learn From Yesterday, Cherish Today, and Build Good Habits For Tomorrow.

If it wasn’t for a Sunday night, I woke up at 3:00 am worrying about the imminent work tasks on the next day, I wouldn’t have dreamed about building and maintaining good habits to stay positive throughout the day and the week. I wouldn’t have wanted to inspire millions of working women and men like you to make positive change from the inside, dig deep, stay on purpose, back yourself and be true to your ideas.

Make Your Dream Life A Reality.

I know exactly what it feels like to be in the daily grind, working a 9 to 5 job that drains all you energy. I’ve been through a journey of struggling with moving through the motions, self-sabotaging, hiding my own value, following the social media ideal lifestyle, and eventually hitting rock bottom. After years of working around the clock, I realised my personal wellness should always be a top priority, it is to align and excite for the life I’m living. If you’ve been or going through such a journey, it’s time to discover your true meaning in life, find out what your dream life looks like, and build good habits to make it a reality.

It’s Time to Start Your Dream Life Project. Let’s Go!